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Free Practice PLan


When it comes to training our dogs, practice makes perfect. However, at PupBuddy we understand that real life can get in the way and it can be hard to find time to practice training our dogs. We have made these handy practice plans for you to download and print out. Stick these plans to your fridge and mark off what you have worked on each day. Use these plans to keep you and the family working with your dog just a little bit everyday!

Remember, little and often is the best way to teach and reinforce any behaviour! You are far better off training for 5 minutes every day than training for 1 hour every week!

Practice Plan

Family Practice Plan

Target Training

✨ The number one command to teach your dog or puppy is .... TOUCH✨

Great behaviour that can be used for

➡️improved recall

➡️focus and attention

➡️target training

➡️mental stimulation

➡️tricks and games

➡️progression onto assistance behaviours

Advanced Target Training!

✨ Join me Suki as we work on advancing our target training behaviour to closing the cupboard doors around the house!✨

Great behaviour to teach your dog for

➡️assistance training

➡️focus and attention

➡️mental stimulation

➡️tricks and fun!

Leave It Training

✨ Teaching our pups to leave items around the house can be tricky! Here's a fun way to teach a leave command and see your progress grow!✨

Great behaviour that can be used for

➡️Leaving items around the house

➡️Preventing item theft

➡️Stop litter picking on a walk

➡️Increasing self control

➡️Get on top of eating poop!

➡️Save any food dropped from the countertops